

Integrated HR solution that combines time management and reporting functions into a central system.




NCC Group


UX / UI Design

User Research

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Problem, challenge, and solution

Understanding the problem, evaluating potential solutions, and familiarising myself with the user's perspective.

As the business expands, easy access to essential data is vital for informed decision-making, resource allocation, and financial improvement.
How do we help the business maintain a productive workforce, control costs, manage workloads and track product performance.
An internal HR tool that combines time management and reporting, aiding employees to track and improve performance.
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What challenges must the business address and overcome?

Working in collaboration with the Product Manager, our objective was to pinpoint the challenges within business.

  • No current tools to plan, estimate and propose with precision

    The organisation requires appropriate tools to optimise project profitability, facilitate informed decision-making, and enhance financial performance through detailed insights and meticulous control.

  • User engagement is limited, time tracking is often forgotten

    Administrative tasks can be tedious, often resulting in delays or oversights. Integrating automation and email could streamline these processes, enhancing user efficiency and allowing them to concentrate on core tasks.

  • Unable to see business, project and workforce data together

    How can we efficiently centralise and process our diverse data sources into a unified platform, allowing us to make informed, data-driven decisions and gain valuable, impactful insights?

User interviews & persona development

To gain a comprehensive understanding of our users, we conducted interviews with key personnel including the Chief Information Officer, Head of Global Applications and Software, Senior Product Managers, and Software Engineers.

Key Features

Key requirements

I conducted brainstorming sessions to generate feature ideas. Afterward, we prioritized features based on user needs and feasibility.

Employee time tracking
Users can log time for various products and activities, allocate time to multiple tasks, and adjust previous or set future allocations.
Utilisation reporting
A detailed breakdown of time, costs, and team member utilisation within a specified date range for a specific product.
Downloadable data
Users can download reports for selected products and activities using custom date ranges and easily export them to Excel.
Schedule & resource
Users can update their schedule, and add activities and products. Managers can visualise time, plan projects, and assess team capacity.
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Simplicity in design enhances user navigation and product effectiveness, and can significantly influences a product's success. Complex and unintuitive products tend to fall short, resulting in reduced interest, and engagement.


Information must be clear, comprehensible, and logically presented to prevent user confusion or overwhelm. Our goal is not only to facilitate easier information consumption but also to enhance its accessibility.


Functional design is now pivotal in modern workplaces. Prioritising functionality and practicality in our products fosters efficiency, comfort, and productivity in the work environment.

User journey

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Allocations page

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Team allocations page

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Editing a team members allocations modal

Allocations & dashboard

Effortlessly record weekly activities and gain insights into how time is allocated

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Schedule & resource

Visualise time, plan projects, and assess team capacity effectively.

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Product reports & admin

View work, costs, team hours, and export data. Manage products, users, and cost levels.

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User Testing

Prototyping & user testing

I created a prototype to simulate the final product so we could reveal areas of confusion and uncover pain points in the product to highlight opportunities to improve the overall design

Feeling micromanaged

In earlier designs, our allocators perceived time-tracking as an effort to scrutinise. To address this, we modified the platform to display weekly percentages instead of daily hours. This change ensured comfort for the allocators while still providing valuable insights for the business.

Streamlining features

Users desired an efficient and streamlined product. We achieved this by enabling users to replicate previous week's allocations and by auto-prioritising recent projects in the dropdown menu. These features aimed to reduce administrative hassles, allowing users to focus on other primary tasks.

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Design handover

Collaborating with developers, I conducted handover meetings, annotated my designs for clarity, and provided them with any necessary flows or prototypes.

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Logo design

After the initial release of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version of the platform, I was entrusted with the responsibility of creating the logo for the product.

After the initial release of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) version of the platform, I was entrusted with the responsibility of creating the logo for the product.

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Business impact / key indicators


Frequent use of the platform. Users can successfully complete the tasks they set out to do. Minimal users missing deadlines for weekly allocations. Minimal user errors

Finance & Report Viewers

Minimal time to pull reports showing product utilisation costs. Displaying correct utilisation costs without any need to cross check with senior management. Positive feedback when checking with team that the platform is doing what they need. Reduced time for updating users Utilisation sheets. Frequent usage of product report feature.

Admin & Wider business

Efficiency when actioning CRUD across the platform. Effectively able to liaise and work with the Finance team across any data discrepancies. Positive feedback from survey. The wider business knowing about the platform - more engagement and onboarding from wider teams

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Next project. Next project. Next project.

Next project. Next project. Next project.