

Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker app that enables users to easily manage and track their cryptocurrency investments.






UX / UI Design

User Research

Product screenshot


Problem, insights, and solution

Understanding the problem, evaluating potential solutions, and familiarising myself with the customer's perspective.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, investors and traders need tools to manage their portfolios, track their performance, and stay updated on market news.
Research shows that understanding cryptocurrencies can be overwhelming for beginners, given complex terms and data. Real-time, accurate data is crucial due to market volatility, and with the potential for significant financial data, security is paramount. Additionally, as every investor's portfolio is unique, there’s a need for customisation.
The Cryptocurrency Portfolio app is designed to cater to both novice investors and experienced traders, providing a comprehensive solution for tracking and managing cryptocurrency investments with an emphasis on user-friendliness, security, and real-time data.
Product screenshot


Starting with both quantitative and qualitative research methods

I began the project by conducting user research to understand the needs and pain points of cryptocurrency investors, and market analysis to evaluate competitors and identify the market gap.

  • User research

    I gathered insights through surveys and interviews with both experienced and novice investors to understand what users look for in a tracking tool.

  • Market analysis

    Competitive analysis of existing apps revealed strengths and weaknesses. I found that existing cryptocurrency portfolio trackers lacked a comprehensive yet user-friendly approach.

  • Amélie Laurent

    Novice Investor

    Age: 26

    Occupation: Graphic Designer

    Goals: Start investing in cryptocurrency, learn about the market, and gradually build a portfolio.

  • Zaid Schwartz

    Experienced Trader

    Age: 32

    Occupation: Financial Analyst

    Goals: Manage a diversified cryptocurrency portfolio, track profits/losses, and make informed trading decisions.

User flow

Product screenshot

Key Features

Key requirements

I conducted brainstorming sessions to generate feature ideas. Afterward, we prioritized features based on user needs and feasibility.


A simple overview of the entire portfolio with total balance, individual asset performance, and market news.

Custom Alerts

Option to set alerts based on percentage or specific price points.

Happy couple enjoying the view from Co Living communal terrace.

Biometric logins and two-factor authentication options.


Guided tours for first-time users, providing them with step-by-step instructions on setting up their portfolio.

User Testing

User testing and iterations

Users were asked to perform specific tasks while vocalising their thought processes. Key observations:

The dashboard was well-received, especially its simplicity.
The guided tour was effective for beginners.
Introduced a 'Skip Tutorial' option.
Custom alerts were intuitive to set up.
Some users wanted more customization.
Introduced option to set alerts based on percentage or specific price points.
Security & resources
Biometric login made users feel secure
Introduced Two-factor authentication (2FA)
News and educational resources provided valuable information.
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Lessons learned and future improvements

The Cryptocurrency Portfolio Tracker App effectively addresses the primary needs of both beginners and seasoned investors. Its success can be attributed to user-centered design, iterative testing, and responsiveness to feedback. As the market continues to evolve, so will our commitment to improving and updating the app.

Iterative Testing:
Early and regular user testing was crucial in shaping the final product.
Future versions will introduce more personalisation options.
Expand Features:
As the crypto market evolves, features like tax calculation tools and integration with hardware wallets will be considered.
Product screenshot

Next project. Next project. Next project.

Next project. Next project. Next project.